Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

We believe that the men in our church play an important role in leading their church and family by exampling what it means to follow Jesus. Living life every day with Jesus is the key to this lifestyle. We choose to maintain a solid prayer time and personal devotional time with Christ, so that we can face all of life’s challenges as they come our way. There are plenty of opportunities for men to be involved around the church, from volunteering to help maintain the church grounds, to helping out at working bees, being involved in the creative ministries or welcoming people at the door on a Sunday morning. If you’d like to be involved in a ministry at Cairns Baptist, please don’t hesitate to talk to one of the pastors, elders or deacons. Being involved in a home group is another way we can share our life experiences with others.

Activities  are organised monthly for men to come together and enjoy fellowship. Usually a devotion is shared by someone, or a guest speaker is invited along. These are great times to get to know the other men in our church and to feel more a part of the wider church community.

For more information please contact the church office.