

There’s a lot happening at Cairns Baptist. Check out some of our ministries below.

CBC Creative

We are a varied team of creative, technical and analytical people, who have chosen to use our gifts for the benefit of the church and for the glory of God. We love fun, love worship, love serving our church and love Jesus. Our team is primarily made up of musicians, singers and technicians. These people lead and support our church in worship and, in some roles, are…

CBC Outreach

In fulfillment of intentionally following Jesus; our calling as church is to evagelise the lost (Luke 19:10) and establish new believers.  It creates great encouragement to all its existing members as we follow Jesus.  CBC can equip new believers through discipleship and together we Grow, Worship…

CBC Youth

Welcome to CBC Youth! Young people from grades 7 – 12 (ages 11-18) connect to others their own age on Friday nights during the school term. Starting at 6.45pm ending at 9.30pm …meeting at Cairns Baptist Church they experience weekly events like hanging out, group challenges and outings, combined youth events, camps, ball games, movie nights, and…

Children’s Ministry

Hi and welcome to the world of Kids Ministry here at Cairns Baptist Church!!! This site contains all the information you will need to have your children involved in one or more of the exciting programs we offer. Here at CBC Kids we put a big focus on discipleship. We believe that as we disciple kids in their walk with Christ they will grow in faith keeping him the center…


42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46 Every day…

Prayer Groups

Prayer is one of the most important aspects of the Christian walk. Without grounding our plans & desires, our ministries, our community and our leadership in prayer, we can not be effective servants of the Lord Jesus. Therefore we regularly have a time of prayer & sharing during our church services so that we can spend time praying for our families, friends,…

Men’s Ministry

MENS BREAKFAST Breakfasts are organised regularly for men to come together and enjoy fellowship. Usually a devotion is shared by someone, or a guest speaker is invited along. These are great times to get to know the other men in our church and to feel more a part of the wider church community. MEN AT CHURCH There are plenty of opportunities for men to be involved around…

Women’s Ministry

We seek to involve women in both practical ways and in helping them discover their Spiritual Gifts and encourage them to use them in the life of the Church. We offer a range of what interests women – Craft group, catering for functions, coffee nights, Breakfast Club, Girls Night Out (includes Bible Studies, discussions, prayer, craft projects). We also organise morning…


GO GROUP A social group for those of the more mature years! We have lots of fun and each month we have an activity ranging from a picnic at Copperlode Dam, a visit to Paronella Park or the Tablelands, to the Daintree, a movie day, or lunch at Yorkey’s Knob Yacht Club. OVER 50’s For the less mobile among us, we gather together once a fortnight to share morning…